Sleep is a requirement for living, it is a way for your body and mind to
relax and refresh after a long and active day. While you are sleeping your
brain moves through four different stages, the last of which is REM. REM
stands for rapid eye movement, in which your eyes move around rapidly in a
range of directions.
Stage 1 begins when you close your eyes but, can easily be awakened. This
phase usually last for 5 to 10 minutes.
Stage 2 is when you proceed to light sleep. Your body temperature drops,
heart rate slows down and your body is preparing to fall into a deep
slumber. This phase can last from 10 to 30 minutes depending on the
Stage 3 is the deep and restorative sleep stage, known as delta sleep. Your
muscles relax, the supply of blood to the muscles increase, the body
repairs and regrows tissue, and your immune system strengthens. When a
person is in this phase, it becomes very hard to wake them up.
After the three non-REM stages are complete, about 90 minutes after you
fall asleep you enter REM sleep. During REM sleep, you can have intense
dreams since your brain is more active. REM sleep is important because it
stimulates the area of the brain that helps with learning, memory, and
mood. A lack of REM sleep can negatively impact your physical and
mental health. So, always try to get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep so, you
can stay happy and healthy!