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Why don’t you just stand up?

Writer: Toni Taylor-SatterfieldToni Taylor-Satterfield

Death is inevitable but, you don’t have to take it sitting down. I know that probably sounded a bit ominous but, it’s crazy to say something as simple as taking a seat could be your first step into an early grave. Sitting is a normal function that humans have been doing since the dawn of time. It is a position that is comfortable and relaxing to the human body but, could sitting down actually be slowly killing us?

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in four American adults sit for longer than eight hours every day. Whether you are working on a major project in the office, writing a thesis for your master’s degree, playing Hogwarts Legacy, or even eating at your dining room table, you are most likely sitting down. I am not an exception to this; I’m sitting down right now writing this op-ed. Just because something is natural to do does not make it good for you.

On average, Americans sit for around 11 hours per day. That is insane! A little under half a day, we are sitting down so, what are we doing the other half of the day? Eating? Sleeping? Using the bathroom? Maybe you could even be exercising. But regardless of whether you exercise or not, if you sit for long periods each day, it counteracts the effects of the exercises and increases your risk of disease.

Physical inactivity is linked to more than 3 million preventable deaths every year globally. It can cause many different health risks such as, obesity, chronic joint pain, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, deep vein thrombosis, and can be detrimental to your mental health.

There is no one on earth that I love more than my mom but, she is the primary reason this article was so interesting to me. I’ve watched firsthand as my mom’s health declines from sitting all day. Over the years, she’s gained weight, has a hard time walking for long periods of time, and constantly complains about having hip problems. She barely leaves the house and has no reason to because Instacart and Grubhub have made it so convenient to remain physically inactive.

Many people life sedentary lives especially with the increase in remote jobs. Growing up, one of my favorite shows was The Biggest Loser. It always confused me how people let their health decline so badly to a point they can’t even reach the refrigerator without breathing heavy. But, as I grew up, I realized how easy it is to get stuck in routine. You don’t want to go outside the house, because you will probably spend money that you don’t need to be spending. You don’t like talking to people that much so, you avoid interactions all together. You are afraid of encountering another pandemic so, you stay in the bubble you have created. But at the end of the day, staying in the house is slowly killing you.

Sitting down is not good for you. Being in one place for hours on in is not healthy. But, in the end, no one can force you to care about your health. You must be your own motivation to stand up! There are so many causes of death. Do you really want to go out knowing that all you had to do was stand up and walk?


Okhifun, Greg. “Sitting Disease: Too Much Sitting at Your Office Desk Is the New Smoking.” Corporate Wellness Magazine,,Control%20and%20Prevention%20(CDC).



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